
WildStar will be a More Successful MMO Than WoW One Day

When you shell out cash every month for an MMO subscription fee, it's fair to expect regular content updates. And where most MMOs simply add a new dungeon or two every few months, the devs of wildstar have more ambitious plans: update the game with a sizable content patch every single month of the year. Great news, fellow Nexus adventurers--the first of these updates, called The Strain, will go live the first week of July. And, as you might conclude from its name, it's all about dealing with the not-so-pretty effects of a deadly, rapidly-spreading virus.

That virus mutates everything it touches. From new mounts, which sport mutant eyes and sick-nasty pustule growths, to awesome Strain-tainted costumes and housing decor (complete with a gnarly-looking Sarlacc Pit), you'll have access to all sorts of awesome themed equipment. Oh, plus there's a new emote that makes a Chestburster explode from your body, so that's awesome, too. More importantly, the content update adds two new zones for level-capped players.

