
When it comes to the lore of WildStar, there are three story arcs linked together

WildStar has you selecting one of four professions (of a sort). You collect resources as you move through the world and then deposit them in predesignated areas in order to build machines that provide bonuses to you and everyone else. You can also reanimate plants, repair broken items, and the such, and it's fun to feel like bringing life to the world. As a result, these interactions become needless busywork, but you still greatly enjoy how you can contribute to other players' enjoyment and success by frequently stopping and collecting vital resources.

When it comes to the lore of WildStar, there are three story arcs linked together. At the base level, you have the storyline for the immediate region you're in. The regional stories are then linked by the story arcs for the larger zone areas. Finally, you have the all-encompassing worldly story arcs that connect everything.

For the most part, the quests are about what you'd find in any other MMORPG. Talk to an NPC, then go find the item, person or place he's looking for. There aren't any FATE battles that you might see in Final Fantasy 14, or anything to really mix up the monotony of questing. The quests do start to get a bit more varied a your level reaches and exceeds 20, and it's likely that endgame content will be much more appealing, but the grind to get there is fairly basic at the moment.

In the game you can find words which may be unknown for the beginning players. That's why all those notions are explained:

DPS - character who deals a lot of damage.
TANK - character who must survive damage and keep monsters on himself.
HEALER/HEAL - character who will heal other members of the team.
Mob - a monster.
Skill - particular character's ability.
Taunt - skill which provokes enemy to attack you. One of the most important skills of tank.
Buff - enhancing skill lasting some particular time.
Debuff - weakening skill lasting some particular time.
Tradeskill - paths of Crafting, like for example Mining
PvE - player against AI.
PvP - player against other players
Adventure - PvE instance where you make some choices from time to time.
Path - it's chosen during creation of the character. You can choose one from four.

