
WildStar is an fantasy/science fiction massively multiplayer online role-playing game

WildStar is an upcoming fantasy/science fiction massively multiplayer online role-playing game that takes place on the fictional planet Nexus, where a mysterious and powerful race known as the Eldan has disappeared leaving behind a wealth of technology and secrets for players to explore.saturated with bright, inviting colors, and loaded with ornate details that bring this massively multiplayer role-playing game to life. 20 hours in, and the most striking sight must still be the herds of gazelle-like grazers that elegantly leap across the screen. With such a rich-looking world, I'm drawn to explore it because I might find something unexpected. The mix of fantasy, science fiction, Saturday morning cartoon, and comic book makes WildStar stand out. You might be tempted to compare WildStar's aesthetic to World of Warcraft's, given the exaggerated shapes and hand-drawn textures, but on a whole, WildStar's art design is very much its own, in spite of its obvious inspirations.

First and foremost it's important to note that WildStar is a brand-new IP. Set in a fictional sci-fi world, all of its zones are based on the planet Nexus, a place where the mercenary-like Exiles and autocratic Dominion factions collide. Due to the nature of WildStar being a new IP, Carbine Studios has had the freedom to design the game however they would like from the ground up. Although that means everything here has no connection to other mediums, it also means the game has been made in a way that is focused on the gaming experience, rather than having to make sacrifices to adhere to lore or laws. This proves to be one of its greatest assets.

As with most MMOs, the game begins by allowing you to make a character. There are several options to choose, beginning with a selection from one of two factions you want to play on, and which of the four races on each suits your style. Each race has no benefit over another, so it's merely a stylistic choice. In regards to Exiles versus Dominion, neither is necessary evil, but the latter certainly comes across as the much more domineering of the two. Depending on which you choose you'll begin in a completely different area of Nexus, and will spend the majority of the leveling experience in faction-specific zones.

