
WildStar Game Combat: The combat in Wildstar is very dynamic

With its bold visual style, intriguing interplanetary setting, and charming personality, WildStar is shaping up to be one of our most anticipated titles amongst the many MMORPGs on the horizon. Carbine Studios is doubling down on a bunch of innovative concepts that should spice up the familiar MMO formula, including a biggie: Paths. This life choice is but another facet in the process of character creation, but it feels even more important than race and class. That's because Paths aim to fulfill all the less-obvious needs that players have as they spend hours upon hours in a virtual world. Things like the curiosity of collectors; the need to explore; the desire to create a community; the will to slay any and all enemies.

WildStar is described as a 'future fantasy MMORPG' and takes place on a planet called Nexus. Once the home of the Eldan - a powerful race skilled in magic and technology - the planet is up for grabs after the Eldan suddenly vanished like a fart in a tornado. So the general idea is to stake a claim on Nexus.

The combat in Wildstar is very dynamic and there's no time for standing in one place. No matter if you're are a tank, a DPS or a healer, you always have to be on the move. The most important skill for evading attacks is "dodge", which you can use twice in a short period of time. If you use up all the charges, you have to wait until the bar is full again. You can see the icon of that skill right next to the health bar. The number indicates how many dodges you can still perform. The battles aren't easy, but you will get used to them quickly.

The authors have made sure that every type of monster has different set of skills, so you never know what to expect when fighting against a new enemy. Playing as a tank, you can survive a lot of damage, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to avoid hits. Especially when fighting against bosses, you should dodge their skills, because once hit, it can cost you even a half of your health bar.

Mobs have various skills. Sometimes they breathe fire, continuously dealing damage. Sometimes they aim at you for a given amount time and if you don't dodge in the last moment, you will be hit. Every fight is unique and a constantly varying range of skills is a standard in this game.
Sometimes the enemy blinds you. Your screen then turns black. The best thing you can do in such situation, is to perform a dodge to the side or stun the mob before it changes position. If the mob dazes you, it is best to stay in one place and continue hitting. If you try to move, you will notice that your movement keys have been mixed and you may not know which one to use.

